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Within four years, Montana Digital Academy (MTDA), an early EdReady adopter, has evolved a 63-student pilot into a statewide initiative to personalize learning from secondary through postsecondary and adult education. Our new ebook, Improving College Readiness at Scale: Practical Insights from the State of Montana, shines a light on MTDA’s tested framework for growing student success initiatives from the ground up. This robust resource promises to help you advance your project planning and implementation strategies.
Project scale
A map of the state of Montana shows locations of elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and univerisites, and statewide or regional EdReady program implementation.
How they did it
Seven Steps to Implement EdReady at Scale: 1) Set Measurable Goals 2) Identify the Use Cases 3) Measure Success 4) Identify Support Roles and PD 5) Plan Budgets 6) Devine the Action Plan 7) Refine, Revise, Expand
"While the work of EdReady Montana began with college math readiness, the expansion of the program into the PK–12 system, and inclusion of the English and JobReady components, has made EdReady a bridge that connects our entire education system to careers and job creators, helping to increase the pool of qualified employees for employers across the state. We are proud to partner with Montana Digital Academy and NROC to expand this highly successful academic readiness program to meet the 21st century needs of our students and employers. The five-year, $3.5 million grant provides stable funding to allow Bob Currie and his team to fully implement their vision for the EdReady Montana program." —Mike Halligan, Executive Director of the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation