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Assess, track, and address students’ knowledge gaps

EdReady® helps you personalize math and English instruction at scale.

Explore How EdReady Can Support Your Students

Leaders who are advancing student success love us.

Real-time student performance data for every stakeholder

EdReady® includes a robust reporting suite that delivers timely learning insights.

An administrator talks via video chat with a member of the EdReady success team


Monitor population-level trends for your desired KPIs, and employ targeted intervention to boost student persistence, success, and completion.

About Administrative Reports
A screencast shows the EdReady reporting interface


Quickly diagnose your students’ math and English proficiency. Data can inform how and when you choose to intervene, whether for an individual, a group, or the entire class.

About Educator Reports
A student studies at his kitchen table at home


EdReady® lets students see, at a glance, the concepts that they’ve mastered and the concepts that they still need to learn, helping them to prioritize their time and effort as they work towards achieving their academic goals.

About the Student Experience

Modern multimedia and solid pedagogy

The multimedia learning content that's served up by EdReady was produced by an award-winning documentary filmmaker and former science professor, along with a team of educational leaders from across secondary, postsecondary, and non-traditional adult education settings. The lexicon, cultural references, and examples were designed to make the topics socially accessible and relevant.

About the Learning Media
Math & English Content Coverage

In addition to the default NROC resources, you can choose to change or augment the learning experience with other OER collections by Khan Academy, PhET, and more.

EdReady® for Institutions

How it works

EdReady improves educational equity by providing a supportive learning experience that allows students to address their unique math and English knowledge gaps.

Learn more
  • Students are presented with a low-stakes self-assessment that they can work through at their own pace.

  • Students receive a personalized study path which guides them to multimedia learning resources and additional self-testing activities.

  • EdReady has improved learning outcomes across a range of educational use cases.

How educators are using EdReady

EdReady helps you personalize math and English instruction at scale.

News & Events

Texas College Bridge educators express their enthusiasm for how EdReady has increased college readiness in the state.

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What leaders and learners are saying