Expanding Prospective and Practicing Teachers' Mathematics and Pedagogical Content Knowledge

California State University Long Beach

California State University Long Beach (CSULB) focused their use of EdReady on teacher preparation and development. The goal was to enhance prospective (pre-service) and practicing (in-service) secondary mathematics teachers’ content and pedagogical content knowledge, as well as their understanding of how digital resources might enhance student learning in practice.

For this project, three EdReady learning modules were developed, two of which were embedded in courses at CSULB (secondary mathematics student teaching seminar—EDSS 473; mathematics education technology course—MTED 301). Approximately 440 students experienced the two, coursed-based modules.

The overwhelming majority of these students believed the units helped them to expand and / or review their understanding of grades 6-12 mathematics and they enjoyed exploring this content in EdReady. Further, over 90% of students (EDSS 473) could envision how to utilize EdReady as a learning tool in a secondary mathematics course.

Dr. Babette Benken, Director of Graduate Studies at CSULB, contributed this report.

All this data showed me that the EdReady system enhanced my [pre-service teacher] students' learning and I love that this format helped them with skills they might have forgotten from 6–12 grade math . . . . The way I know my students seemed to enjoyed [sic] the online formatting was they not only spent a lot of time on the system (average of 4 hours), but I noticed that the majority of the students used the system repeatedly during the semester even after all the EdReady assignments were turned in.


California State University Long Beach
Expanding Prospective and Practicing Teachers' Mathematics and Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Institution Type / AUDIENCE:
Career and Technical Training
Educators and Instructors
Pre-service Teachers
Expanding Prospective and Practicing Teachers' Mathematics and Pedagogical Content KnowledgeDownload / View (PDF)