Virtual Learning Resources

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As a member of The NROC Project, you are entitled to accessible, web-based resources that bolster virtual learning experiences at no cost to students. Take a fresh look at how EdReady and HippoCampus can serve your learners.


EdReady is a personalized learning platform that improves a learner’s math and English mastery within the context of a particular educational goal (e.g., college math readiness). EdReady includes robust, real-time reports that track student study time and progress.

EdReady is highly accessibility compliant and includes a suite of onboard tools to further enhance the application’s capabilities and compatibility with assistive technologies.

If you are interested in expanding your use of EdReady, please complete this form.

Quick Resources


HippoCampus, a curated repository of over 7,000 multimedia learning objects spanning 13 academic subject areas, includes content collections created by The NROC Project, Khan Academy, PhET, NOAA, and other respected providers. NROC members can create curricular content playlists to supplement instruction.

Use this map to find your institution’s HippoCampus URL. If you need help or have questions, please contact support.

Quick Resources

Use this spreadsheet to:

  • determine which HippoCampus objects are iOS compatible, closed captioned, and compatible with assistive technologies, and
  • grab deep links to specific objects.
  • Use the ‘Standards’ tab in the user interface to filter objects by state and national content standards.

Adult educators: Use this link to access HippoCampus for Adult Education.



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