California Community Colleges

California Community Colleges

NROC and California Community Colleges Partnership Project

The NROC Project and California Community Colleges will work together to increase student readiness and success in math pathways - as directed by AB 1705 - using EdReady as an embedded student-support tool.
EdReady is designed to help students master defined skills, not simply measure them.
EdReady will help students:

Improve mastery of critical math skills to pass courses, persist in their studies, and broaden their options to achieve academic goals.

EdReady will help instructors and administrators:

Access real-time data on individual student progress to identify trends and make data-driven decisions to improve student persistence.

  • The NROC team will support and collaborate with a cohort of California Community Colleges to identify course alignment and needs, and customize EdReady for localized embedded support to improve student readiness and success.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of the interventions in each locale and in aggregate.
  • Engage participating institutions to better integrate and cross-reference different concurrent support services.
  • Utilize outcomes data to drive opportunities for student supports that improve student pass rates.
  • Produce reports that document how to best implement and refine the approach for all interested California Community Colleges.

Apply Now to be a part of our first cohort!

Contact Laura Smith, California Partnerships Manager, with any questions at

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Case Studies: