About this
Developmental education reforms nationwide are striving to create more equitable college opportunities and career pathways. How might local partnerships help increase student persistence and streamline time to credit-bearing course enrollment and program completion?
One promising model, which has emerged at several of Minnesota State’s two-year colleges, pairs college and adult education instructors in developmental and, sometimes, gateway courses. The model demonstrates a commitment to address essential equity work by focusing on the needs of underprepared students—a great proportion of whom come from historically underserved and minoritized communities. Results reported by some emerging partnerships are showing significant student improvement.
Learn about how this innovation began and is organically growing across the state.

Russell Fraenkel
ABE Transitions Coordinator, Northwest Region (MN)

Lesley Blicker
ABE Transitions Consultant / Partnerships Specialist, Northwest Region (MN)

Ralph Cox
Math Faculty, Northland Community and Technical College (MN)

Kirsten Fuglseth
ABE Manager, Northwest Service Cooperative (MN)