About this
Nationwide, colleges are improving recruitment and retention by reducing barriers to gateway math and English courses. Join us for a conversation about the power of multiple measures placement as a portal to student success. We examine how colleges are harnessing the adaptive capabilities of EdReady to create more equitable learning opportunities, often in lieu of high-stakes examinations.

Dr. Brad Bostian
Executive Director of Student Success Navigators, Central Piedmont Community College (NC)

Claudia Stewart
Math Faculty and Placement Coordinator, Casper College (WY)

Gwenn Eldridge
Assistant Vice President of Academic Transitions and Support, Ivy Tech Community College (IN)
Gwenn Eldridge most recently served as the Assistant Vice President of Academic Transitions and Support at Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana’s community college system. Her work has centered around increasing access through curriculum design—including co-requisite math and English—as well as the implementation of math pathways. Additionally, she led the implementation of Ivy Tech’s multiple measures placement and a technology-based solution for tutoring access and reporting. Her work in developmental education includes serving as president of the National Association for Developmental Education and as a content expert for Complete College America and NROC. Gwenn holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in English and is working to complete a doctoral degree in community college leadership. Her research focus is on the non-cognitive factors addressed by the co-requisite model of instruction.

Jessica Huffman
Customer Success Specialist, The NROC Project

Dr. Joshua Ka'akua
Interim Academic Affairs Program Officer, University of Hawai’i System